We like creating lasting partnerships with likeminded people.
We work with designer boutiques, shops specializing in women’s health and sustainable shopping, galleries, pharmacies, and gynaecologists. If you’d like to sell Whoop·de·doo products, let us know. We’ll get back to you right away.
If you have a blog and are active on social media, you can apply to our affiliate platform.
Interested in doing an interview with designer Anna Maresova? Would you like her to attend your event as a guest or speaker? Get in touch.
Tonya Graves, Adéla Elbel, Miss Cool Cat, Petra Nesvačilová, and Terezie Kovalová. Our muses, our ambassadors. Without them, Whoop·de·doo could never be what it is. Does Whoop·de·doo appeal to you? We could do great things together. Write us, call us. Let’s make a match.
Whether it’s participating in charity auctions with the Via Foundation, donating menstrual cups to women in difficult life situations, or sewing masks for hospitals in the early stages of the pandemic, we offer help wherever we can.